For those who have experienced Hawaiian culture, it is common to use the word aloha.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, aloha is “a Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting from someone.” But using Hawaiian language grammatical rules, it is literally translated as, “the joyful sharing of life energy in the present” or simply “joyfully sharing life.”
This definition can be found within the root words that make up aloha:
Alo: Sharing; in the present
oha: Joyous affection; joy
ha: Life energy; life; breath
Aloha is a way of life. When you give the greeting of aloha you are extending affection and warmth with no expectations of something in return.
Aloha coordinates the mind and body, bringing a sense of peace to a person. It is the natural existence of every person and how they are important to the collective whole. It holds within itself all one needs to know to interact rightfully in the natural world.
When we celebrate aloha on campus through our annual Spirit of Aloha event and luau, we remind each other of the true meaning of deep friendships, community, and mutual appreciation for the wonderful people who surround us at Acacia Creek.
By Penny Vittoria, Successful Aging Coach, and Carolee Rodrigo, Lifestyles Manager